Play On: The art of sport catalogue
66 page catalogue with colour plates including essays, artist texts, images and biographies and a list of works.
- Forewards by Basil Sellers AM and Mardi Nowak
- Essays by Kelly Gellatly and John Harms
- Full colour images of artworks by Tony Albert, Richard Bell, Lauren Brincat, Jon Campbell, Daniel Crooks, Gabrielle de Vietri, Tarryn Gill and Pilar Mata Dupont, Shaun Gladwell, Dinni Kunoth Kemarre, Josie Kunoth Petyarre, Richard Lewer, Fiona McMonagle, Kerrie Poliness, Khaled Sabsabi and Gerry Wedd.
- 21 x 23 cm
Published by NETS Victoria and the Ian Potter Museum of Art on the occasion of the exhibition Play On: The art of sport.