Share the love and donate to NETS Victoria 💙

In 2022 we seek your support to enable us to continue to deliver diverse exhibitions to the regional sector and to ensure we provide a culturally safe environment for the independent artists and curators we work with.
Within an environment of decreasing public funding to our organisation, we are seeking your help to continue providing high quality exhibitions to regional gallery spaces. As an organisation of 2.4 equivalent full-time staff, in 2021 we toured 13 exhibitions which included 216 artists to 15 destinations across Australia. This included prioritising First Nations artists as well as artists who identify as culturally and linguistically diverse. We remain committed to ensuring all artists and curators are paid in line with NAVA rates and that First Nations artists are supported by a dedicated First Nations Engagement Coordinator.
With your help we can continue to deliver programs which are a source of inspiration for all Victorians.
As a not-for-profit organisation, NETS Victoria relies on public funding and private donors for support. You can be part of a growing community that contributes to one of Victoria’s longest serving arts organisations. Every dollar makes a difference and no donation is too small. To donate, please visit our website. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Thank you for your ongoing support.