‘These are the stories that stay with you’ ArtsHub feature article


Thank you to Monique Grbec for their excellent feature on NETS Victoria. Monique says: “Life-affirming and transformative, the exhibitions supported by NETS Victoria’s touring program are having a powerful effect on viewers.” They also state that: “There is no greater place in the world to explore the breadth and depth of human experience than in an art gallery. A visionary force in contemporary Australian visual arts culture, NETS Victoria ensures that some of this country’s most important exhibitions are accessible across Australia.” Read the full feature article here.

Installation view: Bunjil Place Gallery 2023; ‘ngaratya (together, us group, all in it together)’, a Bunjil Place Gallery exhibition, curated by Nici Cumpston and Zena Cumpston, touring nationally with NETS Victoria 2024-2026. Featured from left: Kent Morris, Barkindji people, ‘karta-kartaka (pink cockatoo) #1-#6’, 2023; David Doyle, Barkindji/Malyangapa people, ‘kamuru – river red gum’, 2022–23; Nici Cumpston, Zena Cumpston, David Doyle, Kent Morris, Adrianne Semmens, Raymond Zada, Barkandji/Barkindji/Malyangapa people, ‘nets’, 2023 (detail); Zena Cumpston, Barkandji people, ‘karkala (bush bananas)’, 2023; Zena Cumpston, Barkandji people, ‘ngarta-kiira (to return to Country) #1-#10’, 2023. Photo: Christian Capurro.