
This project has been made possible through the assistance of the Australian Government’s Visions of Australia regional touring program.
The curators, Jacqueline Doughty, Samantha Comte and Alyce Neal, warmly thank Basil Sellers AM for his wonderful generosity and commitment to all aspects of this project. We extend our grateful thanks to the following institutions that have lent their works
to the exhibition and tour: Parliament House, Canberra; QUT Art Museum, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane; and Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery, Victoria.
Our sincere appreciation also to Kelly Gellatly, Director, Ian Potter Museum
of Art, and the entire team at NETS Victoria, including Mardi Nowak, Director, and former NETS Victoria staff members Georgia Cribb and Melissa Keys, whose support was pivotal in the early stages of the project.
Special thanks to Dr Chris McAuliffe who was the early driving force in the establishment and development of the Basil Sellers Art Prize. Thanks are also due to Deb Thompson, Sellers Group Charities Director, for her guidance and assistance over the last 10 years. We also acknowledge John Harms for his engaging catalogue text and Dominic Forde for his beautiful catalogue design.
NETS Victoria thanks the following individuals who have contributed to this project in innumerable ways and we extend our gratitude to them all: the staff at the Ian Potter Museum of Art, the University of Melbourne, for their expertise and commitment to the prize and its exhibiting artists over the last 10 years; Jason Barnett, International Art Services, Ben Holloway TED Fine Art and; Clare Williamson, Image & Text.
NETS Victoria and the Ian Potter Museum of Art extend their appreciation to the host and partner galleries across Australia that are participating in the national tour.
Hosts and Partner Venues
Hazelhurst Regional Gallery
and Arts Centre (NSW)
Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery (VIC)
Devonport Regional Gallery (TAS)
UQ Art Museum (QLD)
Bunbury Regional Art Galleries (WA)
Riddoch Art Gallery (SA)
Western Plains Cultural Centre (NSW)
Exhibition Partners

Tour and Exhibition Support

This exhibition is supported by the Visions regional touring program, an Australian Government program aiming to improve access to cultural material for all Australians.
NETS Victoria Organisational Support

National Exhibitions Touring Support (NETS) Victoria
is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria, by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body, and through the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and Territory Governments. NETS Victoria also receives significant in-kind support from the National Gallery of Victoria.