Overview Foreword Curators’ Introduction Essay
Artists Co-curators Venues Acknowledgements

A NETS Victoria touring exhibition, curated by Zoë Bastin and Claire Watson.

Eugenia Lim   
Shelters for Kyneton (tradic transfer), 2022    
HD video, colour, sound: 7 minutes 40 seconds    
Courtesy the artist and STATION, Melbourne  

Artists: Zoë Bastin Andy Butler David Cross Bronwyn Hack Amrita Hepi with Honey Long and Prue Stent  Christopher Langton Eugenia Lim James Nguyen Steven Rhall

When we inhale and exhale, our bodies transform through the process of inflation and deflation. Drawing on the inflatable form as both material and metaphor, Conflated brings disparate artists together to explore bodies, environments and cultures through contemporary art. Here, the cycle of breathing serves as a framework through which a wide array of experiences, behaviours and expressions are examined. 

The artists featured investigate the possibilities of the inflatable through participatory works that entice audiences into finding new forms of Covid-safe intimacy, audio that draws parallels between ASMR breath and the ecological destruction of glaciers melting, and video of convulsing bodies that morph with inflatables. Across all works, the idea of inflation and deflation are provoked to offer new possibilities for our contemporary world.  

Conflated presents a range of inflatable materials, from balloons to digital audio and video informed by inflatable processes. Positioning the inflatable as the medium of our times, the exhibition prompts us to explore the inherent plasticity and transformative potential of that which can be blown up. The works conflate synthetic forms with human vulnerabilities, the abject, uncanny, eco-anxiety, colonised land, and the breath.  

Conflated is a NETS Victoria touring exhibition, curated by Zoë Bastin and Claire Watson. This project has been assisted by the Australian Government’s Visions of Australia program and the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria. 


Timelapse video of installation of ‘Conflated’, ANU School of Art & Design Gallery, 2022. Video: Amr Tawfik, Australian National University School of Art & Design.