
Curator Acknowledgements
Between Waves was developed, and is presented on the unceded lands of the Wurundjeri and Boonwurrung peoples of the south-eastern Kulin Nation – the lands I now call home in Naarm/ Melbourne. I respectfully acknowledge that art and culture has been thriving here, and across the continent now called Australia since time immemorial, and I pay my deepest respect to Elders past, present and future.
I am a proud palawa/pallawah woman with English, Irish, Turkish, and French ancestry, born in nipaluna/ Hobart, and as such, I acknowledge my ancestors, Elders, Country, and community at home, and the many places I have lived and worked. I would particularly like to acknowledge the Kulin Nation and Kaurna Country.
My heartfelt thanks to the Between Waves artists, for our yarns, for the opportunity to work together, and present their incredible new work in this exhibition. Equally, I extend sincere thanks to commissioned writers Tina Baum and Nat Harkin for their thoughtful and considered contributions to the exhibition catalogue. I respectfully acknowledge the artists and writers’ ancestors, cultural knowledges, and the wide-ranging places they call home. I give my warmest gratitude to the Yalingwa Directions Circle: Aunty Joy Murphy Wandin
AO (chair), Kylie Belling, Belinda Briggs, Hetti Perkins, Stacie Piper and Hannah Presley for their encouragement and support through exhibition development. I would also like to acknowledge the First Peoples team at Creative Victoria and the Yalingwa Visual Arts Initiative for this curatorial opportunity, as well as the support of TarraWarra Museum of Art and Victoria Lynn, Director.
An exhibition of this scope would not have been possible without the ongoing support of my incredible colleagues at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (ACCA). In particular, I would like to acknowledge and thank Director Max Delany for his ongoing support, as well as curatorial colleagues Shelley McSpedden and Elyse Goldfinch, the executive team Laura De Neefe and Claire Richardson, operations manager, Margaret Stern, development team Grace Fraraccio and Kathryne Honey, publicist Katrina Hall, and previous ACCA curator Miriam Kelly. I extend my thanks to ACCA’s amazing exhibition manager Samantha Vawdrey, and her dedicated install team for bringing Between Waves into being, as well as technical advisors Charlie Farmer and Joon Youn, and the entire extended team at ACCA.
I would equally like to thank the various artists’ collaborators and gallerists, among other friends, colleagues and supporters, who have contributed to so many aspects of the exhibition. I also acknowledge with appreciation Sarah Tutton, Mary Parker and Kate ten Buuren for their support of Maree Clarke’s projection at Federation Square, and Julie Kantor and Wesley Enoch for their contribution to the Curatorial Symposium program.
Finally, all my love to my family incredible family, and friends who are family, for their guidance, care, and support, in particular my parents Between Meade and Rodney Clark. I would also like to acknowledge my mentors Maree Clarke, Lee-Ann Tjunypa Buckskin, Tina Baum, Dr David Sequeira, and Natalie King OAM.
Artists’ Acknowledgements
Maree Clarke would like to thank Dorian Farr from Shadowlab for the beautiful multimedia work on my microscopic river reeds for the Federation Square big screen; Vivien Anderson and Amy Boyd for their continued support of my practice and Jess Clark for inviting me to be part of Between Waves, which gave me the opportunity to work with Chris and Laura in the Histology department at the University of Melbourne to make this new work.
Brad Darkson would like to Chloe and Guthrie for, ‘supporting me throughout my arts practice. I miss you every day I’m at the studio!’
James Howard would like to thank Alanna Solole, Transurban Maintenance Manager, Victoria;
Lee Harrower, Transurban Maintenance Closure Supervisor; Rita Kourellas, Transurban Operations Administration, Road Operations and Melbourne Electronic Sound Studio.
Jazz Money would like to thank Jessica Clark and the wider ACCA team for making this work possible. And always Jenn.
Cassie Sullivan would like to thank John Robinson from Moving Creature Studio, Tasmania as well
as staff from the Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne including Lisa Radford, Mark Friedlander and Simone Slee.
Project Team
Jessica Clark
Exhibition Manager
Samantha Vawdrey
Jessica Clark
Copyeditor and Editorial Production
Elyse Goldfinch
Installation Team
Marty de Jesus
Edward de Souza
Charlie Farmer
Kubota Fumikazu
Casey Jeffery
Jacob Raupach
Brian Scales
Nicholas Smith
Publication Designer
Matt Hinkley
Andrew Curtis
Digital Wing Production
Rowan McNaught
Adams Print
Dulux Paint Colours
Jodhpurs yellow
ACCA Board
John Denton, Chair
Fayen d’Evie
Alana Kushnir
Sarah Lynn Rees
Andrew Taylor
Gordon Thomson
Dr Terry Wu
ACCA Staff
Max Delany
Artistic Director & CEO
Claire Richardson
Executive Director
Laura De Neefe Director, Development & Engagement
Shelley McSpedden
Senior Curator
Jessica Clark
Elyse Goldfinch
Curator, Public Programs & Publications
Samantha Vawdrey Exhibitions Manager
Anita King
Project Manager, ACCA Beyond Walls
Margaret Stern
Operations Manager
Hana Vasak
Visitor Experience & Events Manager
Grace Fraraccio
Development & Digital Content Coordinator
Kathryne Honey
Development & Marketing Coordinator
Felicia Pinchen-Hogg
Education Manager (parental leave)
Edwina Hill
Acting Education Manager
Minna Lappalainen Education & Access Coordinator
Lauren Simmonds
Artist Educator
Maggie Lu
Accounts Coordinator
Matt Hinkley
Katrina Hall
Visitor Experience Coordinators
Arini Byng
Monique Chiari
Emily Hubbard
Ponie Curtis
Ruth Cummins
Visitor Experience Team
Nicholas Anderson Beatrice Gabriel Danielle Goder Suzannah Griffith Dhariz Manalo Jacinta Maude Leah Nathan
Luka Rhoderick
Beatriz Airah Yu
Jasmine Babayan
Alec Bolwell
Jess Chow
Jessica Ebeyer
Arty Foulkes
Harper Hamilton-Grutzner
Gala Hazel
Enya Hu
Alissa Lad
Maria McGowan Grace
Chanthicha Meekun-iam
Declan Monaghan
Julie Monaghan
Matilda Mourant
Amy Naylor
Lauren Nevard
Kirra Niner
Elyse O’Neill
Shaarn Pateman
Phillip Patterson
China Paul
Meyrick Payne
Mikayla Poon
Yongpin Ren
Moksha Richards
Mythra Sage
Katinka Samuel
Daniel Song
CJ Starc
Sylva Storm
Scarlet Sykes
Josh V.E.
Chloe Vella
Dominique Viggiani
Indiana Wells
Sinéad Wheeler
Anna Xiang
ACCA Donors
The Macfarlane Fund
J. Andrew Cook
& Prof. Wendy Brown Vivien & Graham Knowles
Michael & Janet Buxton John Denton
& Susan Cohn
Bruce Parncutt AO
Megan Ponsford
& Noel Fermanis Michael Schwarz & David Clouston Dr Terry Wu
& Dr Melinda Tee Prescott Family Foundation
Lesley Alway & Paul Hewison
Australia China Art Foundation
Sam & Tania Brougham Rosemary Forbes
& Ian Hocking
Judith & Leon Gorr Marita & James Lillie Emeritus Professor Margaret Plant
Frank Pollio
Porsche Cars Australia Pty Ltd
Craig Semple
Chris & Cheryl Thomas Marita Onn & John Tuck Rosemary Walls
Anthony & Michele Boscia
Paul & Samantha Cross Georgia Dacakis
Andy Dinan
& Mario Lo Giudice Peter & Leila Doyle Sophie Gannon
Rachel Griffiths
& Andrew Taylor
Lou & Will McIntyre Mark Nelson
Jan van Schaik
Sarah & Ted Watts Anonymous (2)
Paul Auckett
Lyn & Rob Backwell Professor Andrew Benjamin
Beth Brown
Bird de la Coeur Architects
Ingrid Braun
Jon & Gabrielle Broome Sue Dodd
Jane Hemstritch
Alana Kushnir
& Shaun Cartoon Launch Housing Elizabeth Leslie Gene-Lyn Ngian
& Jeffrey Robinson
Drew Pettifer
Sue Rose & Alan Segal Susan M Renouf
Jane Ryan
& Nick Kharsas
Naomi Ryan
Bernard Shafer
Steven Smith
Jennifer Strauss AM
Fiona Sweet
& Paul Newcombe
Irene Sutton
Noel & Jenny Turnbull Lyn Williams AM
Anonymous (5)
Sally Browne AM Elly Fink
Emily Floyd Lesa-Belle Furhagen Vida Maria Gaigalas Nicholas Lolatgis Angela Rutherford
& Vincenzo Giarrusso Allan & Eva Rutman Dr Nigel Simpson Anonymous (3)
Sandy & Damian Abrahams
Julia Gardiner John McNamara Kenneth W Park Raffaele Cotroneo Anonymous (4)
Presenting Partner
Exhibition Partners

Curatorial Symposium Partner

Exhibition Donor
Craig Semple
Media Partner

Touring Partners

NETS Victoria Supporters

National Exhibitions Touring Support (NETS) Victoria is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria, by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body, and through the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and Territory Governments. NETS Victoria also receives significant in-kind support from the National Gallery of Victoria.
ACCA Partners and Supporters
ACCA Government Partners

Network Partners


Media Partners

Event Partners

Trusts and Foundations


ACCA acknowledges the generous support of various government, philanthropic and corporate organisations that enable ACCA to continue to impact artists and audiences. In particular, we acknowledge the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its principal arts funding and advisory body; the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria; as well as the support of City of Melbourne.