Patrick Freddy Puruntatameri
Born Darwin, NT, 1973
Lives and works Milikapiti, Melville Island, NT
Tiwi Skin group: Miyatini (pandanus)
Dance: Jurrukukini (owl)
Country: Munupi
Patrick Freddy Puruntatameri has contributed to the development of Jilamara Arts and Crafts Association since the late 1980s. Puruntatameri learnt to carve from his father, Paddy Freddy Puruntatameri, a highly respected and renowned carver. His father taught him which timber to use, how to make spears and how to source ochre and make red pigment by heating yellow ochre.
Puruntatameri is well known for his skilful carvings of his totemJurrukukuni (owl). His works are held in many major collections throughout Australia, including the National Gallery of Australia, National Gallery of Victoria and Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane.
Throughout his career, Puruntatameri has participated in major Australian group and solo exhibitions. He has recently been commissioned to make tutini(Pukumani poles) for Paralika tutini Jilamara(2019), a major group exhibition of Tiwi tutini at the Art Gallery of South Australia, and NIRIN,the 22nd Biennale of Sydney, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia (2020).
Patrick Freddy Puruntatameri is represented by Jilamara Arts and Crafts Association, Milikapiti.